03 / 02 SAT


DEBONAIRが初来日し、3月2日(土)にMIDNIGHT EASTに登場する。

DEBONAIRはロンドンの最重要DJの一人であり、セレクター、プログラマー、プレゼンター、そしてA&Rとしても活動する。人気ラジオ局NTSで開局当初よりプログラム・ディレクターを務める彼女は、これまでにベルリンPanorama Barから深圳Oil、ニューヨークNowadays、そしてロンドンfabricといった世界各地のクラブでプレイしてきたほか、ヨーロッパで最もカッティングエッジな実験音楽フェスティバルであるUnsoundとBad Bonnではクロージングを務め、オーディエンスを熱狂的な終焉に導いた。

O-EAST 3FフロアにはDEBONAIRのほか、幅広いジャンルを独自のスタイルでミックスする抜群の選曲センスに定評があるMoEPiKA、都内だけでなく全国各地で大箱小箱問わず様々な現場をこなすTREKKIE TRAX CREWのSeimei、1月に自身初のオールナイトロングセットを代官山UNITで行った解体新書主催のRomy Matsが出演する。


DEBONAIR makes her Japan debut at MIDNIGHT EAST, on 2nd March Saturday.

DEBONAIR is one of London’s essential DJs, working as a selector, programmer, presenter and A&R. She has been in charge of Programme Director of influential radio station NTS from the beginning and has played at clubs around the world, from Berlin’s Panorama Bar to Shenzhen’s Oil, New York’s Nowadays and London’s fabric. She’s also been responsible for much celebrated closing sets at Unsound and Bad Bonn, treating the audience to a riotous farewell whilst toasting Europe’s most cutting edge experimental music festivals.

She will be joined by MoEPiKA, who is renowned for outstanding sense of selection, mixing a wide range of genres in her unique style, and Seimei from TREKKIE TRAX CREW, who plays in a variety of clubs not only in Tokyo but also throughout the country. Romy Mats, the organiser of Kaitai-Shinsho, who’s just achieved his first ever all-night long set at Daikanyama UNIT in January, will also play at O-EAST’s 3rd floor.

The Azumaya floor is curated by “Onomatope”, a party run by promising DJs Haruto and Takeru. They will feature genre-crossing and “unconventional” DJs of 2020s, whose selections are based on modern hip-hop while freely diverging into bass, house, breaks, electro and other genres.

  • -O-EAST 3F-
  • DEBONAIR(from UK)
  • MoEPiKA
  • Seimei(TREKKIE TRAX)
  • Romy Mats(解体新書/ KTSNS)
  • Space Direction:VJ Camel
  • -Azumaya-
  • Gen Yamada(WASP)
  • mils
  • ota
  • Amika_rdashian
  • Haruto(Onomatope)
  • Takeru(Onomatope)

※You must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter.


DEBONAIRはロンドンの重要DJの一人であり、セレクター、プログラマー、プレゼンター、そしてA&Rとしても活動する。彼女は人気ラジオ局NTSで開局当初よりプログラム・ディレクターを務め、この街のシーンに献身してきた。また、これまでにベルリンPanorama Barから深圳Oil、ニューヨークNowadays、そしてロンドンfabricといった世界各地のクラブでプレイしてきたほか、ヨーロッパで最もカッティングエッジな実験音楽フェスティバルであるUnsoundとBad Bonnではクロージングも担当し、観客を熱狂的な終焉に導いた。



DEBONAIR has cemented a reputation as one of London’s essential DJs. As a selector, programmer, presenter and A&R, she is deeply embedded in emerging artistic scenes and is most energised when operating at the intersection of contrasting media.

Having dedicated herself to the city’s scene by serving as Programme Director of influential radio station NTS at the start of its journey, she stepped out as a DJ and went on to melt minds at iconic spaces such as Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall and London Fashion Week and has toured over four continents. Join a DEBONAIR dancefloor and you’ll experience her turn curveballs and previously unheard gems into anthems no matter where she goes: from Berlin’s Panorama Bar to Shenzhen’s Oil, to San Francisco’s notorious Folsom Street afterparty, New York’s heralded Nowadays or Londons Fabric. She’s also been responsible for much celebrated closing sets at Unsound and Bad Bonn, treating the audience to a riotous farewell whilst toasting Europe’s most cutting edge experimental music festivals.

Her eponymously titled radio show has retained a cult following and truly lays down DEBONAIR’s modus operandi. She rips up stuffy preconceptions of what a selector should be by blending the old with the new, guiding you into her musical mind – championing both artists and experiences from the fringes; this has also lead to interview and curatorial roles at The Barbican and Classic Album Sundays, featuring vital artists from across the spectrum including Mark Leckey, Holly Herndon, Victoria Sin, Actress, Travis Alabanza, Batu and Lil Louis.

Come through for life affirming music and the joy of blissful discovery.