Yaeji Interview



Interview by K-MUSIC

2024年12月31日に、Spotify O-EASTとDJバー・東間屋で開催される「MIDNIGHT EAST」のカウントダウンイベント「MNENYE」で、Yaejiが5年ぶりに来日する。今年7月にニューヨークでのBoiler Roomに出演した際にプレイした新曲”booboo”で、ダンスミュージックシーンへ待望の帰還を果たしたYeaji。そんな彼女にメールインタビューを行った。





3.今回出演されるMIDNIGHT EAST(O-EAST⇄Azumaya)はクラブとしての歴は浅いですが、先日はSustain ReleaseとFuture Terorのコラボレーションパーティーが開催されるなど、東京のクラブシーンで徐々に認知を獲得しつつあります。

数年前に訪れてすごく印象に残っているのはU.F.O CLUBです(高円寺)。私の友人がDJナイト+ポップアップを開いて、ハンドメイドのアイテムや昔の雑誌を販売する出店があったの。彼女は以前そこで音響の仕事をしていて、その日のDJはみんな彼女の友人だった。彼らのセットはとても流動的で想像力に富んでいた。めちゃくちゃ刺激的でした!その会場は本当に良いヴァイブスがあって、伝説的なロック・クラブだと聞きました。



5.今年の8月に “booboo”をリリースし、Boiler Roomでの出演が話題になるなど本格的にクラブシーンへのカムバックを果たしたと言われていますが、最近の活動はどのようなことに力を入れていますか?

私生活でもまたクラブを楽しむようになって、それが “booboo”のリリースやBoiler Room出演に繋がりました。(クラブから)長いお休みを取ったのは、DJとシーンの素晴らしさを再認識するには必要なことだった。今は、スピンしたり、新しい曲を発見したり、古い曲を今まで聴いたことのない人たちに紹介したりすることに、これまで以上にワクワクしています。



1.Are there any artists, not just in music, that you are interested in in Japan these days?

So many! In visual art, I’ve been a longtime fan of Aya Takano. In manga/anime I enjoy Keiichi Arais work, namely “Nichijou.” In fashion, I follow this brand called HEIHEI.

2.I know you have been to Japan many times outside of live performances, but do you have any favourite places to visit?
Are there any places you are planning to visit during your stay?

Yes! My favorite shotengai I visit every time is Musashikoyama. And I usually like to stay in Ikebukuro or Ueno area. If I have time I love walking around Inokashira Park.

3.Midnight East (O-EAST⇄Azumaya), where you will be performing this time, is a relatively new club, but it is gradually gaining recognition in the Tokyo club scene, with a collaboration party between Sustain Release and Future Teror taking place yesterday.
Are there any Japanese clubs or live music venues you have been to in the past that stand out in your memory?

A venue I’ve been to in the past couple of years that stood out to me was UFO club. A friend of mine hosted a DJ night + pop up with vendors who sold handmade items and old magazines. She used to work sound there, and the DJs were all her friends. Their sets were really fluid and imaginative. It was really inspiring!! The venue had a really sick vibe, and I hear it’s somewhat of a legendary rock club.

4.You are coming to Japan with a relatively long 90-minute DJ set this time,
Do you have any special preparations or enthusiasm?

It’s my second time playing a New Year’s eve set in Japan. The last time was more than 5 years ago I think? I always feel welcomed to be myself and play experimentally in Japan, so I’ll probably play all of my favorite tunes from the past 10 years, jumping from genre to genre!

5.You released “booboo” in August this year and your appearance at Boiler Room garnered attention, and it’s said that you’ve made a full-fledged comeback to the club scene. What are you focusing on in your recent activities?

I have been enjoying clubbing again in my personal life which is why “booboo” and Boiler Room happened. I took a long break which was necessary to truly appreciate DJing and the scene again. Now I am more excited than ever to spin, discover new tunes, and introduce old tunes to people who maybe have never heard of it before.

6.Finally, do you have a message for your Japanese fans ahead of your visit to Japan?

Thank you so much for listening to my music! So much of my work is ambiently influenced by Japan, since I’ve been into Japanese culture since a young age. So it means a lot to me that my art resonates with people there 🫶 I’m excited to musically curate us entering 2025 together!

MNENYE (ミッドナイトイーストニューイヤー)
2024年12月31日(火) OPEN/START 22:00
MIDNIGHT EAST (Spotify O-EAST ⇄ Azumaya)
ADV ¥6,000 DOOR ¥7,000 ※ご入場時ドリンク代別途700円

Soichi Terada(-countdown-)
Traks Boys

Jinya Ichikawa(D.A.N.)

Lighting:Lightist Future
Sound Engineer:Minamo Yano, Mirai Baba(Acoustic)

wine bar : kokiliko

supported by Jack Daniel’s / KDDI / Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture